The condition of milk teeth determines the bite, the development of the jaw bones and even the structure of the facial skeleton, and also closely interacts with the development of the child’s speech. The main task of parents is to properly care for the oral cavity, thereby protecting the child from premature extraction of milk teeth, which can have dire consequences: crowding of molars, malocclusion, pain in the temporomandibular joint in adolescence and adulthood.
It is necessary to care for the oral cavity from the very birth of the baby: after each feeding, gums should be carefully cleaned to prevent the accumulation of bacteria. Dental brushing should begin no later than after the eruption of the first tooth. You can use a soft toothbrush, silicone brushes or gauze swabs.
The enamel of dairy and only erupted molars is quite fragile, so children's teeth need special care and protection. This is due to the small amount of minerals, which will increase over time.
To maintain the health of children's teeth, you need to follow a few simple rules:
Monitor your baby’s diet: maintaining a balanced diet with calcium-rich foods is key to your baby’s strong baby teeth.
Minimize the amount of sweet in the diet: a moderate amount of sweets once a week, instead of daily use every day.
Adhere to the regimen of food intake, observe hygiene: after each meal it is necessary to rinse the oral cavity with water in order to avoid the accumulation of bacteria.
From the first year of life, to teach a baby to oral hygiene.
Use children's toothpastes with a high content of minerals - fluoride, calcium, etc.
Remember that the health of primary teeth is the key to the health of molars, so try to do everything possible to maintain the baby's white smile.
The reason for the formation of a malocclusion can be a number of bad children's habits, including finger sucking and mouth breathing. Often, such habits are the result of an unfavorable psycho-emotional state. To help your child get rid of obsessive actions, you need to seek help from a pediatrician, neurologist or psychologist, as well as a dentist who will give further predictions and select the correct treatment.
Minimize the consumption of sweets, in particular caramels and chewing sweets. It is best to replace such foods with fresh fruits, vegetables, peanut butter, milk, and other healthy foods. It is highly undesirable to consume a large amount of juice with sugar content.
Dentists very often face the problem of caries "from a baby bottle." Do not let your baby fall asleep with a bottle in his mouth, especially when it contains juice or milk with sucrose. This is very harmful for immature baby enamel. If the baby needs a bottle for comfortable falling asleep, it is best if it contains purified water.
Regular examinations of the dentist are necessary for the baby already when he is only 3 years old: by this time all the baby’s teeth will have erupted.
Children's caries develops rapidly, so decay quickly reaches the soft tissues of the gums and affects the nerve apparatus of the tooth. This brings the kids suffering from toothache, so if you notice the formation of superficial stains, do not delay a visit to the dentist.
Injuries to children's teeth are also not uncommon in the dentist's office. If a child has lost or damaged a tooth, it is necessary to immediately contact a dentist. A lost tooth can be reimplanted within a few hours, thus preserving it. Remember, a tooth fracture is not easy to diagnose visually (without X-ray examination), so the tooth may be left without proper treatment, which will lead to the need for further removal.
Teething often begins at age 5. It is then that it is most expedient to begin to carry out activities to strengthen immature enamel in order to prevent their further caries damage. In our clinic you can go through the whole range of preventive services, starting with professional brushing and fluoridation, ending with the application of silants.
Silants and sealants - an effective and simple, from a technological point of view, method to prevent fissure caries. The grooves in the tooth are filled with silantamm, which prevent the accumulation of food debris. Subsequently, the chewing surface becomes smooth, easier to clean with a toothbrush, and, of course, less prone to rot.
Fluoridation is the process of strengthening teeth by saturating enamel with fluoride. The procedure is absolutely painless, most often performed using an individual spoon with a fluorinating drug. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Most often, fluoridation is performed against a background of professional brushing, effectively preventing the occurrence of caries.
The sooner you take your child to the dentist, the easier it will be to avoid dental problems. Indeed, not only the snow-white happy smile on the baby’s face depends on this, but also his correct speech, the development of facial bones, healthy digestion and the health of the body as a whole. Teach your child to maintain oral hygiene and a healthy lifestyle from his first year!
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